Worldline Saferpay - Secure PayGate (Linkpayment)

5 steps
Create individual payment links and send them by mail Official Guide Integration Manual for usage via API
  • It is also possible to use the API and build your automated payment process with Secure PayGate.
    The following is the no API, manual creating payment links:
  1. Login to Saferpay Back Office Interface
  2. Create a new Offer in Secure PayGate menu
  3. Complete payment details of the payment offer e.g Amount, Currency, Authorization Type, etc
  4. You can copy the Payment Link at the bottom of the page, or choose the Send Out Offer button if you would like to send it out to your Customer from a Saferpay address
  5. Check your Payment Offers' status at Secure PayGate menu and you will be also notified by email upon a successful payment
Good to know
  • You received your login credentials to Saferpay Back Office Interface via e-mail
  • For test environment, please register your test account here
  • Check out Official Documentation and Quick Guide
  • Make sure you choose Authorization Type wisely based on the nature of your Business. The most common way is, choosing Automatic Capture in case you want all payments completed automatically
  • The Transaction is only completed when it's a green dot icon (not circle) in Saferpay Backoffice Interface . Transactions that are not completed (e.g. Authorized state with green circle icon) will release amount automatically back to cardholder's account by time and later charge of the amount might not be possible
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